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Initiative waives application fees for medical marijuana use


Another marijuana measure: Arizona initiative would waive application fees for medical use

May 11, 2015, 10:43pm MST Updated: May 12, 2015, 7:22am MST

An Arizona initiative is being proposed to waive state application fees for medical marijuana patient cards.

Mike Sunnucks

Senior Reporter- Phoenix Business Journal

Several marijuana-related measures could be on the 2016 ballot.

The latest proposal is an Arizona initiative to waive state application fees for medical marijuana patient cards.

Applicants currently must pay $150 — or $75 if they are on food stamps — to apply for a medical marijuana card, under a 2010 law narrowly approved by state voters.

Organizers need to collect more than 150,600 valid voter signatures by next July to get this onto the November ballot. A group called the Arizona Marijuana Patient Society is proposing the measure.

There are also efforts to legalize marijuana for recreational use and allow for large-scale hemp production.

Mike Sunnucks writes about residential and commercial real estate, government, law, sports business and workplace issues.



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