DARE to relegalize all drugs - D.A.R.E. TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS dare to re-legalize all drugs end police violence relegalize immediately relegalize all drugs - DARE TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS - D.A.R.E. to re-legalize all drugs

Compare the RAD initiative to the MPP initiative

  There are currently two initiatives in Arizona that want to legalize marijuana.

One is being circulated by RAD, which stands for Relegalize All Drugs. The other is being circulated by MPP, which stands for Marijuana Policy Project.

RAD is also circulating a second initiative to relegalize not only marijuana, but ALL drugs in Arizona.

The here is the text of the RAD initiative, and here is the text of the MPP initiative.

Let's compare the RAD initiative to the MPP initiative to legalize marijuana in Arizona.

Question MPP
Will the initiative end black market crime and shut down the cartels No3 Yes3
Amount of marijuana a person can legally possess? 1 ounce Unlimited
Amount of concentrated marijuana (hashish, wax) a person can legally possess 5 grams Unlimited
Number of marijuana plants a person can grow 6 Unlimited
Number of marijuana plants a family or household can grow 12 Unlimited
Number of stores allowed to sell recreational marijuana in Arizona 1506 Unlimited
Can you grow marijuana in an unlocked, unenclosed, outdoor area No Yes
Will people who have been arrested for marijuana crimes be pardoned No Yes
Will it be legal to smoke marijuana in public, like tobacco is No Yes
How much is the marijuana sin tax 15% No Tax
Is there sales taxes on marijuana Yes No
Estimated sin tax on one ounce of marijuana $45.002 No Tax
Estimated sales tax on one ounce of marijuana $24.90 4 No Tax
Estimated total sales tax and sin tax on one ounce of marijuana. $69.90 5 No Tax
What will marijuana sell for before taxes if the initiative is passed $300/oz1
13 cents/oz1
Can anybody sell or resell marijuana No Yes
Can a person to be arrested for marijuana related crimes Yes No
Does the law create any new government bureaucracies Yes No
Does the law give 150 special interest groups a monopoly on growing marijuana Yes No
Does the law give 150 special interest groups a monopoly on selling marijuana Yes No
Does a person need a license to have a marijuana business Yes No
Application fee to get a marijuana business license $5,000 No
What are the maximum costs of marijuana businesses licenses $10,000
What are the maximum renewal fees for marijuana businesses licenses $3,300
Will it create a police agency to arrest marijuana smokers Yes 7 No
Is it a felony to buy marijuana from an unlicensed dealer Yes 8 No
Is it a felony to grown marijuana in you home without the landlords permission Yes 9 No
Is it a felony to sell marijuana you legally grow Yes 10 No
It it a felony for a person to grow 7 or more marijuana plants Yes 11 No
It it a felony for a household or family to grow 13 or more marijuana plants Yes 11 No
Is it a felony to have 5.1 grams of hashish, wax or shatter Yes 12 No
Does it allow Prop 203 or the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act to be changed Yes 13 No
Will it be a felony to operate a medical marijuana compassion club. Maybe 13 No
Will it be a felony to operate a medical marijuana farmers market. Maybe 13 No
???? ?? No
Footnote 1 In the states where other MPP initiatives have been passed into law medical and recreational marijuana is currently selling for around $300 an ounce or $4,800 a pound.

Andrew Myers who is the head of the Arizona Dispensary Association said at the July 2014 Phoenix NORML meeting that he expects the price of medical marijuana to drop to $200 an ounce once the laws of supply and demand kick in. $200 an ounce is $3,200 a pound.

Currently illegal, black market marijuana sells for $60 an ounce or $960 a pound.

If the RAD initiative is passed it is expected that when marijuana is grown on commercial farms like tomatoes and potatoes are, a pound of marijuana will cost as much as a pound of tomatoes or potatoes, so we guess at $1 or $2 a pound.

Of course connoisseur brands of marijuana will probably cost as much as $50 or $100 a pound.

Footnote 2 This is based on a 15% tax on marijuana that costs $300/ounce or $4,800/pound, which is what recreational and medical marijuana is selling for in other states that have passed MPP backed initiatives.
Footnote 3 In all the states that have passed MPP medical marijuana initiates or recreational marijuana initiatives the black market and cartels still exist.

We suspect this is because the initiatives create government monopolies on growing and selling marijuana for the dispensaries.

And these monopolies allow the dispensaries to sell marijuana at outrageously high prices, which allows the black market and cartels to exist because they can undercut the outrageously high dispensary prices.

The RAD initiative allows the free market to set the price of marijuana, which will be in the price range of tomatoes or potatoes or a few dollars a pound max.

With those low prices you don't see black market tomatoes or potatoes, so we don't think it will be profitable for the the cartels to get involved in black market marijuana.

Footnote 4 We used 8.3% which is the sales tax charged in the city of Phoenix.

That includes a 5.6% Arizona sales tax, a .7% Maricopa County sales tax and a 2% Phoenix sales tax.

We based that on recreational marijuana costing $3002 an ounce or $4,8002 a pound.

Footnote 5 We used a 23.2% tax, based on the MPP initiative 15% marijuana sin tax, plus a city of Phoenix 8.2%4 sales tax. Applied to marijuana which costs $3002 an ounce.
Footnote 6 The 150 number if from an Arizona Republic article.

I believe the MPP initiative sets the number of marijuana stores to 10% of the number of liquor stores in Arizona.

Footnote 7 In this letter from Arizonans for Mindful Regulation they say in item #6 it will create a whole new police agency to arrest people for marijuana related crimes.
Footnote 8 In this letter from Arizonans for Mindful Regulation they say in item #4 it is a felony to BUY marijuana from a person who isn't licensed to sell it.

That means if you buy marijuana from anybody except the 150 retail businesses that are licensed to sell marijuana you will be committing a felony.

Footnote 9 In this letter from Arizonans for Mindful Regulation they say in item #2 it is a felony to grow marijuana if the owner of the property doesn't want you grow marijuana on it
Footnote 10 In this letter from Arizonans for Mindful Regulation they say in item #4 it is a felony to sell marijuana that you grow in your home legally.
Footnote 11 In this letter from Arizonans for Mindful Regulation they say in item #1 it is a felony a person to grow more then 6 plants or for a family or household to grow more then 12 plants.
Footnote 12 In this letter from Arizonans for Mindful Regulation they say in item #3 it is a felony to have more then 5 grams of concentrated marijuana like wax, hash oil or hashish
Footnote 13 In this letter from Arizonans for Mindful Regulation they say in item #5 the initiative will allow the dispensaries to tweek Prop 203 which is Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act and they will probably make patient to patient sales, compassion clubs and farmers markets a felony.


RAD - Re-legalize ALL Drugs