DARE to relegalize all drugs - D.A.R.E. TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS dare to re-legalize all drugs end police violence relegalize immediately relegalize all drugs - DARE TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS - D.A.R.E. to re-legalize all drugs

Links on the Arizona Secretary of State web page

  Links on the Arizona Secretary of State web page

Here are some links on the Arizona Secretary of State web page to our two initiatives to legalize marijuana and all other drugs

All initiatives for 2016 Arizona ballot

This link lists all the initiatives which people are circulating petitions to put on the 2016 Arizona election.

RAD Initiative C-02-2016 to re-legalize marijuana in Arizona

This is a link to our initiative to re-legalize marijuana in Arizona which is initiative number C-02-2016.

RAD Initiative C-03-2016 to re-legalize all drugs in Arizona

This is a link to our initiative to re-legalize all drugs in Arizona which is initiative number C-03-2016.

Other Links

This link points to some other initiatives and laws which re-legalize marijuana.

It also contains links to the text of our initiatives to re-legalize both marijuana (C-02-2016) and to re-legalize all other drugs (C-03-2016).



RAD - Re-legalize ALL Drugs