More on that phoney baloney initiative by
MPP or Marijuana Policy Project to legalize marijuana in Arizona.
About the only thing the phoney baloney initiative to legalize marijuana does is create a government monopoly on growing and selling marijuana in Arizona for the dispensaries so they can screw the public selling us $300+ an ounce marijuana. This was handed out at the Wed, May 6, 2015 meeting of the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition. It looks like it is from a group called Arizonans for Mindful Regulation with a website at[Sorry the first time I posted this article I got dyslexic and flipped two of the letters and it didn't work for that reason. The link to the website is now correct] From what they said at the meeting I think there will be 3 tiers of government monopolies each which will have 150 licenses. The top tier will be 150 marijuana growers. The middle tier will be 150 marijuana wholesalers The bottom tier will be 150 marijuana retail stores. According to this document from Arizonans for Mindful Regulation if the phoney baloney initiative to legalize marijuana by MPP or Marijuana Policy Project gets passed it will still be 1) a felony for persons to grow more then 6 plants or a felony for a family or household to grow more then 12 plants. |
2) a felony to grow marijuana if the owner of the property doesn't want you grow marijuana on it |
3) a felony to have more then 5 grams of concentrated marijuana like wax, hash oil or hashish |
4) a felony to BUY marijuana from a person who isn't licensed to sell it. (I think that will be one of the 150 and only 150 marijuana stores allowed in Arizona) a felony to sell marijuana that you grow in your home legally |
5) they suspect the initiative will allow the dispensaries to tweek Prop 203 which is Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act and will probably make patient to patient sales a felony, compassion clubs and farmers markets illegal, and I suspect a felony. As I said this law creates a government monopoly on growing and selling marijuana for the dispensaries. |
6) the war on marijuana as part of the war on drugs will continue and will create a whole new police agency to arrest marijuana smokers. |
I suspect the intent of this is to allow the police to shut down any person that cuts into the profits of the dispensaries which will be probably selling marijuana at $300+ an ounce. Web SiteHere is allegedly where this document lives at [When we went to the website it didn't exist. Maybe it will in the future. - Sorry the first time I posted this article I got dyslexic and flipped two of the letters and it didn't work for that reason. The link to the website is now correct] |
The original document |