DARE to relegalize all drugs - D.A.R.E. TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS dare to re-legalize all drugs end police violence relegalize immediately relegalize all drugs - DARE TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS - D.A.R.E. to re-legalize all drugs

Compare the RAD initiative to the Safer Arizona 2018 initiative

  For the 2018 election cycle there are currently two initiatives in Arizona that want to legalize marijuana.

One is being circulated by RAD, which stands for Relegalize All Drugs. The other is being circulated by Safer Arizona.

RAD is also circulating a second initiative to relegalize not only marijuana, but ALL drugs in Arizona.

The here is the text of the RAD 2018 initiative, and here is a PDF file of the Safer Arizona initiative.

The PDF file of the 2018 RAD initiative at the Arizona Secretary of State's website can be seen here.

Let's compare the RAD initiative to the Safer Arizona initiative to legalize marijuana in Arizona.

Question Safer
Amount of marijuana a person can legally possess? Unlimited Unlimited
Can people under 21 possess marijuana? No14 Yes
Can people under 21 smoke, eat or use marijuana? No14 Yes
How many marijuana plants can you grow without a license? 4813 Unlimited
How many marijuana plants can you grow with a license? Unlimited Unlimited
Can people under 21 grow marijuana? No2,14 Yes
Can you grow marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school? No3 Yes
Can you have a marijuana "home garden" without a license? No2 Yes
Can you grow marijuana for commercial use without a license? No2 Yes
What type of license is needed to grow marijuana.? Sales Tax License2 None
Can you grow marijuana that is visible from public places with the naked eye? No4 Yes
Can local governments pass zoning laws that limit the growing of marijuana? Yes7 No
Can marijuana be sold without a license? No5, 6 Yes
What type of license is needed to sell marijuana? Sales Tax License5 None
Can marijuana be sold within 1,000 feet of a school? No3 Yes
Can governments limit the selling of marijuana with zoning laws? Yes7 No
Can governments require a special license to operate a marijuana business? Yes5 No
Can marijuana be sold that is unfit for human consumption because of poisons, pesticides, bacteria, viruses or other contaminates? No No
Is marijuana required to be tested and labeled for THC levels, spore counts, and pesticides? Mandatory testing and labeling will drive up the cost of marijuana. Yes8 No
Will pardons for marijuana crimes be automatically given? No9,11 Yes
Will I have to request a pardon for a marijuana crime? Yes9,11 No
How long will it take to get pardoned for a marijuana crime? 30 to 60 days 10 Immediately
Is it a crime to possess marijuana in a government building? Yes12 No
Is there sales tax on marijuana? Yes15 No
Can CPS discriminate against parents for marijuana use? No No1
Can the government discriminate against gun owners for marijuana use? No No1
Footnote 1 Item 4 - The government shall NOT pass any regulations discriminating against people or entities that use use marijuana.
Footnote 2 Page 2 - 3-3702 E.4 - All persons at least twenty-one [21] years of age are authorized to maintain a home garden provided the person obtains a transaction privilege tax license [sales tax license]

Page 2 - 3-3702 E.6 - All persons at least twenty-one [21] years of age are authorized commercial grows provided the person obtains a transaction privilege tax license [sales tax license]

Footnote 3 Page 2 - 3-3702 G - Commercial grows, home gardens and cannabis sales [marijuana sales] are not authorized within 1,000 feet of a school
Footnote 4 Page 2 - 3-3702 H - Cultivation of cannabis [marijuana] from personal grows, home gardens, and commercial grows may not be visible from a public place from ground level without the use of binoculars, infrared imaging, thermal imaging or any other artificial surveillance equipment or other optical aids.
Footnote 5 Page 3 - 3-3706 B - A person or entity operating a business for income from the resale of cannabis [marijuana] or cannabis products shall obtain a transaction privilege license [sales tax license] and any standard local tax and/or business license
Footnote 6 Page 2 - 3-3702 E.5 - The person cultivating the cannabis [marijuana] shall be permitted to ... transfer such cannabis to other persons ... provided that nothing of value is transferred in return. [i.e. You can give away the marijuana you grow, but you can't sell the marijuana you grow unless you get a sales tax license]
Footnote 7 Page 2 - 3-3705 A - Cities, towns and counties may enact reasonable zoning regulations that limit the land use for commercial grows, home gardens, and businesses engaged in retail sale and wholesale of cannabis [marijuana]

[And note the word reasonable is not defined]

Footnote 8 Page 3 - 3-3706 I 1-5 - Cannabis products ... intended for wholesale or retail sales shall be prior to sale ... labeled or have signage ... with the following information ... tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol and cannabigerol potency levels ... spore count level ... information regarding trace metals; pesticides; herbicides; fungicides
Footnote 9 Page 4 - 3-3711 B.1 - Any person who was sentenced ... may file a motion to modify the sentence with the judge, commissioner, justice of the peace or magistrate who pronounced the sentence or imposed probation or such judge, commissioner, justice of the peace or magistrate's successor in office.
Footnote 10 Page 4 - 3-3711 B.2, B.4 - No later than thirty (30) days from the filing date of the motion to modify sentence, the court shall either grant the motion to modify sentence or, if the state objects, schedule a contested resentencing hearing.


The court shall either grant or deny the motion to modify sentence no later than sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of the motion to modify sentence.

Footnote 11 Page 4 - 3-3711 C - The defendant may file a petition to expunge conviction with the judge, justice of the peace or magistrate who pronounced sentence or imposed probation
Footnote 12 Page 5 - 3-3713 C.1-3 - The possession of cannabis [marijuana] shall be prohibited in the following places only: school buses ... government buildings [except colleges]
Footnote 13 Page 2 - 3-3702 - E.2 - All persons who are at least twenty-one [21] years of age are authorized to cultivate cannabis [marijuana] ... for personal use, provided that the cultivation does not exceed forty-eight [48] cannabis plants in a state of efflorescence/inflorescence. [efflorescence - a big word for plants with flowers, inflorescence - a big word for plants with flowers]
Footnote 14 Page 3 - 3-3707 - C - No person under the age of twenty-one [21] shall knowingly or lawfully purchase, cultivate, sell, possess or use any cannabis [marijuana] that has more than .3% THC [cannabis, or marijuana has to have more than .3% THC to get you high]
Footnote 15 Page 3 - 3-3705 - K.1 - Local governments may impose a retail tax on the sale of cannabis and cannabis products that shall not exceed the prevailing general retail sales tax that is particular to their jurisdictions.

1. Taxes on cannabis food products shall not exceed the prevailing general retail grocery sales tax levied on food.



RAD - Re-legalize ALL Drugs