DARE to relegalize all drugs - D.A.R.E. TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS dare to re-legalize all drugs end police violence relegalize immediately relegalize all drugs - DARE TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS - D.A.R.E. to re-legalize all drugs

Arizonans for Mindful Regulation

  Here is another group that seems to think that the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project phoney baloney initiative to legalize marijuana in Arizona sucks.

The group is Arizonans for Mindful Regulation and their website is at


The folks at "Arizonans for Mindful Regulation" correctly understand that the phoney baloney initiative by MPP is not about legalizing marijuana to remove the draconian and unjust laws.

Arizonans for Mindful Regulation [of marijuana]

The folks at "Arizonans for Mindful Regulation" understand that the initiative is to make millionaires out of a few people by granting them a govenrment monopoly on growing and sell in recreational marijuana.

The folks at "Arizonans for Mindful Regulation" also understand that Arizona's Prop 203, which is Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act was written for the same reason, to make the owners of the medical marijuana dispensaries rich and give them a government monopoly on growing and selling medical marijuana.

Prop 203 or the Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act gave a government monopoly on growing and selling medical marijuana to 127 dispensaries in Arizona and screws the sick person who needs medical marijuana. [Prop 203 doesn't set the limit with the number 127, but rather says the number is something like 10% of the pharmacies in Arizona.[

Prop 203 or the Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act allows the police to continue to jail medical marijuana patients for FELONIES for minor violations of the medical marijuana act.

The current phoney baloney initiative being pushed by MPP or Marijuana Policy Project gives 3 sets of government monopolys on growing and selling medical marijuana to 150 growers, wholesalers and retailers dispensaries in Arizona and screws the person on the street who wants to grow, sell or use recreational marijuana. [The MPP initiative doesn't set the limit with the number 150, but rather says the number is something like 10% of the liquor stores in Arizona.]

The current phoney baloney initiative being pushed by MPP or Marijuana Policy Project allows the police to continue to jail recreational marijuana users for FELONIES for minor violations of this phoney baloney law which pretends to legalize marijuana.

For example under this phoney baloney law which pretends to legalize marijuana, it will be a FELONY to buy marijuana from a person that is not licensed by the state of Arizona to sell marijuana.

The phoney baloney law which pretends to legalize marijuana also creates a new marijuana police force just for the purpose of arresting people for marijuana violations.

Here is a link to some of the nasty and downright evil stuff the folks at Arizonans for Mindful Regulation have found in the phoney baloney initiative to legalize marijuana by the MPP or the Marijuana Policy Project.



RAD - Re-legalize ALL Drugs