DARE to relegalize all drugs - D.A.R.E. TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS dare to re-legalize all drugs end police violence relegalize immediately relegalize all drugs - DARE TO RELEGALIZE ALL DRUGS - D.A.R.E. to re-legalize all drugs

RAD - Re-Legalize ALL Drugs


MPP - Arizona Marijuana Policy Project Draft Jan 26, 2015

Here is a copy of the Arizona Marijuana Policy Project Draft document in HTML which you can view with any browser.

mpp_az_draft_1_26_15_html.html Here is a copy of the MPP dreft to legalize marijuana in Arizona.

It is dated January 25, 2015.

I suspect that once I read it thru the term legalize marijuana will be an oxymoron used by MPP or Marijuana Policy Project to justify giving their members a govenrment monopoly on growing and selling marijuana in Arizona.

And I suspect if they get that monopoly they will use it to justify selling the rest of us over priced recreational marijuana at $300+ an ounce prices.

I also have a copy of all of this at http://relegalize.100webspace.net/mpp_documents.html



RAD - Re-legalize ALL Drugs